Stillasbyggerne is a team consisting of psychologists and experts on child protective services. Our organisational base is Akershus University Hospital.
We provide both mental health services and environmental support for children and youth living in foster care or Residential Child Care Institutions.
We provide expert councelling to the child protective services, and support the staff and managers with problem analysis and advice to select the best fitted and varieties of measures for the children under their care. We call what we do a "scaffolding process", which means that we attempt to engage the most critical people closes to the child and assist the helpers – private persons or professionals – to work together to achieve the common goals:
To find and help children with problems under the care of child protective services
Contribute to increase the quality of life for the children
Contribute to improve the collaboration between child protective services and other private and professional helpers
Our target group is children and youth between the age of 0 and 25, living in foster care or institutions.